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10 things all Marmite fans know to be true

Marmite 4eva.

MARMITE IS ONE of the most divisive foods on the planet.

Their slogan is literally, “Love it or hate it,” for crying out loud.

But for those among us that do love Marmite, there are certain things we know to be true.

1. You will spend approximately 13% of your life trying to convince your mates to just taste it

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2. But no matter what you say, you'll have a hard time convincing them that this brown sticky spread is worth their time

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3. That's okay, though. It just means more for you!

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4. Which is good, because there's nothing more delicious than Marmite on toast

marmite Source: Flickr

5. In fact, it's the perfect sidekick to eggs

marmite2 Source: Flickr

6. Pair it with avocados and you've got a dream breakfast on your hands

7. And it greatly enhances cheese on toast

8. Did we mention it also lasts forever?

9. Which means we're saving money and getting to enjoy the goodness of Marmite. It's a win win.

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10. So maybe nobody understands, but that's okay -- a lot of the greatest love affairs haven't been understood


You and Marmite 4eva.

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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